среда, 2 декабря 2015 г.


On a warm car and light stable launch vehicle in the winter cold you need to take care in advance, so as yet not much cold a good idea to set the preheater.

Pre-heater is a device intended to facilitate engine starting in cold conditions. As a rule, the term "preheater" called heaters coolant in the cooling system. At the same time, engine preheating provide other device: glow plugs, diesel heaters, oil heaters.

Pre-heater is installed on the car as an option or separately. Depending on the method of creating thermal energy are 3 kinds of countdown heaters:

- Fuel,
- electric,
- Thermal battery.

Fuel heater

The most widely used in domestic cars and trucks found fuel heaters used to heat the coolant energy combustion (gasoline, diesel fuel, gas). The main advantage of the fuel heaters autonomy since they use a power source on the vehicle. Therefore another name such heaters - heaters autonomous.

The fuel heater is embedded in the regular cooling system, fuel system and exhaust system. Fuel heater typically performs two functions:

- Heating the coolant,
- Heated air and heating the cabin.

There are stand-alone heaters performing only heating the passenger compartment, the so-called Air heaters.

Structurally, the fuel heater combines heating (heat generating) module and a control system.

The heating unit includes a fuel pump nozzle, the glow plug, combustion chamber, heat exchanger, fan. The pump provides fuel to the preheater where it is sprayed, is mixed with air and ignited by a spark plug. Thermal energy burned down the mixture through a heat exchanger heats the coolant. The combustion products are discharged into the exhaust system by a fan.

The coolant is circulated in a small circle of the cooling system in a natural way (bottom-up) or force (water pump). After the coolant reaches a predetermined temperature, the fan relay includes heating and air conditioning and heating takes place car. When the maximum temperature the heater is turned off.

The different designs of fuel heaters control of his work can be carried out directly via the power button, timer, remote control, GSM-module, which provides start-up heater on a mobile phone.

Electric Heater

Electric heaters are used to heat the coolant electrical energy external AC power. The most widely used electric heaters found in northern European countries, however, in our country and they are used frequently.

The main advantages of electric heaters are no emissions during operation, noiseless, low price, fast heating of the liquid, because in fact it is an electric kettle.

Electric heater is installed directly in the cooling jacket of the cylinder or one of the cooling pipes.

Typical features of the electric heater are:

- Heating the coolant;
- Heating and air heating compartment;
- Charge the battery.

Electric heater includes an electrical heating element up to 3 kW, the electronic control unit and recharge the battery module.

The principle of operation of the electric heater is similar to the fuel heater. The main difference in the method of heating the coolant. Electric heater also provides battery charging, which is relevant for the operation of the vehicle at low air temperatures.

Heat accumulator

The heat accumulator is the most rare type preheater, despite the fact that it has high efficiency. Along with the name of thermal battery, other appropriate name - thermal energy storage system coolant.

Thermal energy storage system performs the following functions:

- The accumulation of heat energy;
- Storage of thermal energy;
- Use of energy for heating the coolant;
- The use of energy for heating the air and heating the cabin.

The design of the system includes: a heat accumulator, the coolant pump, control valve and a control unit.

The heat accumulator as part of the thermal energy storage system provides for storing heated coolant. It is a metal cylinder with vacuum insulation. The pump provides heat accumulator charging the heated coolant and discharging when the engine starts. Charging the battery is carried out automatically by the control unit and the signal is repeated periodically while driving.

Low battery is made with the push of a button, while the pump is switched on and the hot liquid is pumped into the pulmonary circuit cooling system. Valve controls the flow of coolant between the engine and passenger compartment heater.

WHAT MAKES USE preheater

1. Reduce the number of "cold" start of the engine. It is estimated that on average, each driver generates for the year from 300 to 500 "cold" starts. In this specific research in this area, produced well-known European companies, it was found that in terms of a "cold" start-up, the use of pre-heating the engine reduces fuel consumption by 100 to 500 ml. Size savings depends on the outdoor temperature and duration of heating. Thus, according to rough estimates, the use of pre-heating of the autonomous heaters saves in one winter season from 90 to 150 liters of gasoline or diesel fuel.

2. Reduction of heavy modes of operation, increasing engine wear. The overwhelming proportion of engine wear occurs during its launch. This is because when a "cold" start viscosity of engine oil is increased and the lubricating properties are lowered. At the same time the friction surfaces of moving parts, increased and increased wear in a rod-crank and piston units. A "cold" start reducing resource powertrain 3-6 hundred kilometers. The Russian climate with 100 days per year minus temperatures can give a reduction of the resource engine for one season on the 80 th. Km.

3. To improve the safety and comfort of driving. The cold promotes enhanced heat transfer of the body and fatigue. Increases drowsiness and lethargy, decreased attentiveness of the driver. Mode of driving becomes more irrational. In addition, it increases the risk of occupational diseases such as cervical, lumbar osteochondrosis, ARI

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