понедельник, 11 января 2016 г.

Revived BMW 3.0 CSL race car

BMW has revived the legendary racing car 3.0 CSL. Sports car was shown to the public at the Detroit Auto Show.

Revived sports car received the original livery, a massive rear wing and an aerodynamic body kit. Vehicle weight is 1102 kg.

Under the hood of the car is set 3.2-liter gasoline engine. Motor power of 344 horsepower. In addition, available and 3.5 liter engine. The power of this engine is 430 horsepower.

The original model was manufactured from 1968 to 1975. Car 4-times winner of the race in the international European Touring Car Championship. In 1973, the 3.0 CSL won the Le Mans Series.

воскресенье, 3 января 2016 г.

                          Do you know that?

Koenigsegg One: 1 set a new record for the acceleration from zero to 300 km / h and a full stop (0-300-0). Swedish hypercar accelerate from standstill to 300 km / h in 11.922 seconds, and then completely stopped for 6.03 seconds. As a result, all in all it took 17.95 seconds.
       The dangerous crossing of the engine

Most car owners love the speed. But not all cars are able to satisfy this desire. As a rule, only one reason - lack of power. Speeding up the engine - a good way to eliminate it. Then the iron horse is able to turn into thoroughbreds, which will show the most enviable rezultaty.Chem dangerous crossing of the engine
Most car owners love speed. But not all cars are able to satisfy this desire. As a rule, only one reason - lack of power. Speeding up the engine - a good way to eliminate it. Then the iron horse is able to turn into thoroughbreds, which will show the most enviable results. In addition, significantly increase comfort and driving pleasure will be increased by several raz.forsirovanie Engine
Forcing the engine can be carried out in two ways: "firmware brains" and "surgery". The first was called chip tuning. It just changed settings the engine control unit. The fact that the producer selects the "golden mean", which allows us to develop the average performance in the entire range of engine speed and load. Forcing allows to shift the maximum engine performance closer to the high turnover. Thus, if earlier, for example, developing a maximum torque at 3000 rpm, after flashing it will be developed, for example, about 5000. This is done to increase the dynamics of acceleration and the maximum speed.
But we should remember that this will boost the engine to a serious loss of power "in the lower classes", although if such activities are carried out, it is most likely at low speed operation is not planned.
The second method assumes a cylinder bore of a greater volume reduction of the combustion chamber, the installation of lightweight parts rework collectors and lubricant supply system. Consider all this in isolation.
Forcing engine VAZ should start with this and, since they all have a fairly small working volume. Increasing the volume may be obtained by installing a crankshaft with a large bend, resulting in loss revving. Increasing the diameter of the piston, too, can not be infinite, because the unit is completely made of cast iron. Besides, honing walls can be carried out only at a certain thickness, after removal of this layer will be impossible to use the cylinder.
Installation lightweight parts positively affect the injectivity of the engine, because their rotation and translation takes less energy. In addition, the installation of the lighter components of the valve mechanism reduces the speed of its response to the phase timing, which is useful for ventilation and power systems. The latter include the finalization and collectors, since it is the gases in a combustion engine do all the work. Also mounted on the engine air filter is another greater productivity.
But, as with all modifications, there is a downside. For example, forcing the engine VAZ 2101 leads to a serious decrease in its operating life. This is logical, because most of the energy that is transmitted to the wheels, greater wear on the piston group, which is the heart of the car. Also worth thinking about engagement, since it is not designed for high-performance engine and with the right forcing can be almost doubled.
                 Caring for the spark plugs

On the quality of the candles can be judged by referring to its electrodes and a thermal insulator cone.

If the cone is covered with a wet black oily soot, it is a sign that the candle is too cold for this engine. The same phenomenon may indicate the wear on the cylinders and piston rings of the engine or at too high a level of oil in the crankcase.

Dry black soot is a result of long work of the engine at idle or at a constant driving at low speeds and low load of the car, as well as cold candlelight.

If the cone bushing is clean, dry, very light, almost white, sometimes with traces of melting - this means that the candle too hot for the engine or set too earlier ignition.

Normal color of the insulator function correctly candles - from light gray to light brown (sand). Nagar is virtually nonexistent.

Lifetime candles usually corresponds to 25-35 thousand. Km of run of the car.

Candles require regular cleaning and adjusting the gap between the electrodes. With intensive use of the vehicle, these operations should be carried out approximately every 10 thous. Km. If the annual mileage of a vehicle does not exceed 10-15 thousand. Km, it is cleaned and adjust the spark gap is recommended twice a year - before the start of summer and winter operating seasons.

To clean the candles you can not use sharp metal objects such as a screwdriver or awl, as they are easy to scratch or damage the insulator. On scratched the cone insulator accelerated and intensified soot formation and soot bridges the electrodes, the spark stops working.

A suitable tool for cleaning of candles - Brush point of steel wire.

Better clean the entire candle chemical method which is as follows. Candles were degreased by washing with petrol and dried, after which they are immersed in hot 20% aqueous solution of ammonium acetate (another name - ammonium acetate) and held there for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of not lower than 90 ° C (available under weak boiling solution). After that, clean the spark stiff hair brush or caproic, washed well with hot water and dried. This work should be carried out in the open air, as from a hot vapors are acetic acid.

The gap between the spark plug electrodes regulate podgibaniem side electrode, and to measure the size of the gap to be applied is not flat and cylindrical probe (length of wire of suitable diameter). The fact that as a result of wear of the electrode in the lateral recess is formed, so the measurement feeler gauge will give the wrong result.

Operation of spark plugs

The task of the spark plugs in the engine of a vehicle is the introduction of a spark of energy in the combustion chamber to ignite the fuel-air mixture. Plug in conjunction with other components of the engine, namely the ignition system and the fuel mixture preparation system, determines to a great mass of engine functions. The candle should be guaranteed to ensure the start, uninterrupted operation while speeding and maximum engine performance. Plug in all operating conditions should deliver spark energy in the combustion chamber without opening and overheating.

However, the spark plug may be brought against the requirements of smooth operation only under the following conditions:

• Plug is inserted into the engine only in accordance with the passport of the vehicle;

• Use only the brand of gasoline in accordance with the label specified in the certificate of the vehicle engine;

• debugged the system works perfectly and the ignition on the vehicle;

• debugged and the system works flawlessly cooking fuel-air mixture;

• Do not exceeded torque screwing the spark in the cylinder head of the engine.

On examination of the engine taken from the candles should pay attention to the condition and color of the thermal insulator cone. If the inspection of the cone will be a slight insulator layer of soot creamy brown color, it can be concluded that the thermal characteristics (type of) candles for the type of engine and its systems are working normally. Such a deposit does not disturb the work of candles and they do not need to be cleaned. With the engine on leaded gasoline to heat the cone, the normal state of the candles will be a powder coating gray shade which also disrupts the candles.

If the inspection in the thermal cone and the spark plug electrode is detected significant layer of black soot, it needs to be cleaned, and the presumed causes of fouling are as follows:

• Loose black matt varnish is a result of incomplete combustion of the fuel mixture for fuel or its pereobogaschenie result of long work of the engine idling;

• A solid black carbon deposits is a consequence of non-compliance such as candles on the motor thermal characteristic. In this case, the candle is cold and the temperature below the temperature of thermal cone of self-purification. The causes black soot may also be malfunctioning ignition or excessive ingress of lubricating oil into the combustion chamber because of the poor condition of the engine.
In the event of a significant layer of soot candle should be cleaned.

The presence of soot on the heat cone of white, light gray or light yellow color indicates that when the candle is overheated. Overheating can be caused not only by an incorrect type spark engine, but also dense enough tightening candles in the nest, the absence of or damage to the gasket, or the presence of dirt under it, as in these cases, deteriorating heat dissipation from the candle. This may also be the result of setting the ignition timing is too late, or the result of malfunctions in the cooling system. Typically, overheating spark accompanied by increased erosion of the electrodes.