вторник, 29 декабря 2015 г.

Harm unsprung weight and the use of forged wheels

We know that the lighter the car, the better. And gasoline less care, and general life becomes more joyful and carefree. But few know that the mass of the mass of discord. There sprung mass - that's all "lies" in the suspension and it is perceived. Unsprung same - it ourselves wheels with tires, hubs and brake drums and discs with calipers. It must be said that international standards in determining the sprung-unsprung masses do not always converge. In particular, according to the German standard DIN, to the unsprung masses are more and suspension parts: levers, springs and springs with shock absorbers. What, in general, it is logical. But torsion bars - it is sprung. But most interesting is that the stabilizer bar came out perfect outcast - half of it sprung mass and the other not. Therefore, for each model to identify the ratio of the masses can only be on special stands, resorting to complex calculations. Why do it?

The fact that the most important - is the ratio of the sprung and unsprung masses. From him, for example, depends on a smooth ride. The more unsprung weight, the worse smoothness. That is why the old machine to the heavy wheels and pivot suspensions this very smooth no different. The familiar, probably, a lot of pictures, as soon as the trunk was well loaded - Ride increases. This is due to changes in the ratio of sprung and unsprung masses.

Probably do not need to be Einstein to understand the effect of inertial forces on the car. It is to them we owe all kinds of drifts and drifts. But it is important not only that. The more unsprung weight, the more details on the inertial force. Let's say you move on to the dependent elderly SUV rear axle, where the massive gearbox, axis and hub rather big wheels. When traveling corrugated section of the road it will be appreciated that the rear axle is constantly slipping away. All because the rear axle under the influence of inertial forces simply do not always have time to come back down. From this grip will deteriorate, and the axis will start to "walk". These inertial forces impede effective brakes with heavy wheels. Yes, and accelerate such difficult. Because something essential in the harsh off-road SUVs old school with heavy axle suspension on highways clearly losing on new arms and hubs of light alloys.

It turns out that by changing the weight ratio can be increased smoothness. And then there are two ways. You can increase the sprung, for example, to drive a ballast in the trunk, losing in fuel consumption and dynamics. And it is possible to reduce the unsprung. And it's much more interesting. It was then that we can help forged wheels, the weight of each of which may differ by more than 10 kilograms compared with the casting. Furthermore, they are much stronger than that of ordinary steel or cast. And still their main mass is concentrated closer to the hub, which reduces the moment of inertia. Simply put, the inertial forces acting on the untwisted forged wheel, much less prevent it from moving progressively, ie in the direction that we want. It turns out that looking car ads, do not skeptical about the "pereobutsya" forged wheels in the lot. Against the physicists do not trample. It is better to be friends with her.

понедельник, 21 декабря 2015 г.

How to connect two engine Toyota 1JZ-GTE

Using two 2.5 liter engine of the Supra, in the "home" conditions it was established five-liter V-12 engine with 800 hp

Sometimes you can stumble upon a rather interesting things browsing the site Reddit, but nothing is in comparison to what we ran this morning. One user posted a draft of the engine of his uncle, and I must say, the motor mad cool. He took two 2.5-liter six-cylinder engine 1JZ-GTE Supra, the bottom of the compartment both, and then combine them into a V-twin engine with an angle of 120 degrees, creating this "Frankenstein V-12s." He brazenly flaunt bespoke original crankshaft and oil sump.

Of course, Toyota has created the V-12s in its history, namely the five-liter GZ, but the fact that this "uncle" made his own, forced to remove his hat in front of him. The project still needs work, but the end should have something big. Developer's plan is simple - using the turbo blowing achieve power 800 hp After this most ordinary car with a roll cage to turn into what he was destined - in this monster!

Secrets E34

1. When the switch turns push until it clicks into the extreme position that will burn the envelope on the one hand (the parking gauge).
2. The rear sofa is made so that it can be used as a seat in nature (there is even a handle for carrying and bottom of the sofa is made of plastic).
3. The sun protection blind can razvorachivatsya on a side window sun (3D shutter).
4. Press to reset the daily run can be seen running even without a key.
5. The rear door locks are in themselves fikstory for kids that will not allow the child to open the door (turn the key or screwdriver).
6. Lift the handle of the driver and holding it for 15 seconds to warm up the larva of the castle.
7. Lift the handle of the driver switched on the light in the interior.
8. Recycling interior works even with the engine off (if tselya pomochka more you can sit in the car chasing the warm air through the cabin stove).
9. When will take something dirty in bagazhnke carpet can be flipped upside down.
10. Seats can be adjusted in height by pushing for the most proximal to the back of the handle down.
11. If you have steamed up windows vkyuchite condo
2 minutes they will be clean.
12. In the feet of the passengers is a full-time first-aid kit.
13. Kryakalku, a reminder of the powershift headlamps can be turned off by pressing the reset daily run,
ie, pulled the keys from the lights are turned on and press the reset tidy, no quack. And in the process of cracks shut up if you press too.
14. In order to set the frequency sweeps of the brush, it is necessary to translate a control lever brushes in intermittent position and then return it back to "off". After that sustain the desired pause and turn back to the intermittent mode. Now, the wipers will operate at a given frequency. When you stop the car the frequency of strokes becomes 2 times less.
15. If dokosnutsya sharply up window button and then let go (up or down), then accordingly work avtootkryvanie / avtozakryvanie glass driver's door and only avtootkryvanie passenger door window. Same (avtootkr. / Avtozakr) and powered sunroofs.
16. To fold the rear seatback, it is necessary to put pressure on the lever that is located on the axis of rotation of the left and right back, respectively. So, the majority of these levers and broken off to open the back, not knowing that there is a special lever, begin to dig and try every way to pull a screwdriver or something red flags at the top, next to the seat that. Naturally, the result is zero, the boxes are scratched, the mood g.no. In order to open, many are trying as an auxiliary tool pliers, wrenches, etc. I helped open-end wrench 19, bent after a girth of 19 under 90grad. Cranking out the rest of his lever, jump boxes uvverh, and lo and behold, the back is open)
17. Pro larva key driver. There is a secret to turning the key, if you close you can close by turning to 45 degrees, and can be closed by turning on 90gradusov. If crank 45, will close only CH, and if 90, in addition to closing, becoming the factory of car alarms, what would indicate LED located in the top vent blowing.
18. If glass is omitted, then you can pick it up from the street without getting into the car. To do this, insert the key in the door lock cylinder, turn to keep the door closed and then climb up to the stele) + it closes the hatch, too.
19. When CL is closed on the go, so it is not necessary to pull the unlock button, Mona twice to pull the handle to open the door.
20. If you leave the lights on in the cabin, he goes off himself after 10 minutes.
21. Diagnosis of the arrows on the tidy:
- Turn the ignition key to the second position
- Press the center button three times (to tidy) and then tighten
- Tachometer, speedometer, fuel and temperature will randomly run in different directions
a sequence can be wrong.
In some cases, simply press and hold the reset daily run and turn the key in the second position.
22. In the trunk under the skin right there pimpka emergency, pulling the flap that opens the gas tank.
23. Also, the sensor emergency opening CZ. And if you know where it is located you can be hitting it open CZ.
24. ABC system can be checked without any instruments of self-diagnostics. The system works on any E34.
Each car is E34 which ABC has a self-test, which works without any additional priborov.Dlya to check FAA should:
- To remove the car from the parking brake.
- Switch on the ignition, the lamp will light up for 3 seconds ABC. when it goes off, press the brake pedal 5 times, and release the pedal (this should be done within the first 10 seconds after the lamp goes out ABC) .Switch diagnostics.
- We believe the number of times the lamp blinks AVS.Chastota blink for about 1 second. with an interval of about 1 also sek.Posle end diagnostic lamp is not lit Buda for 3 seconds and then lights up continuously 3 seconds, then gasnet.Znachit diagnosis zakonchilas.Schitat how many times you need to blink at intervals of 1 sek.V depending on the error lamp blinks 1 25 raz.V depending on what look kolichestva- mistaken FAA:

ERRORS (blinking lights) (that is faulty)

1 no-fault
4-sensor rear left
5 rear right sensor
6 front right sensor
7 front left sensor
8 el.magnitny valve rear axle (if the pipeline system of ABC common to both rear wheels)
9 el.magnitny valve rear right wheel (if by car from the ABC unit are separate lines for each rear wheel)
10 el.magnitny valve front right wheel
11 el.magnitny valve left front wheel
14 relay valve
15 return pump
21 control unit ABC
24, the ring gear at any wheel
25 brake switch (brake pedal)

Causes of steering vibration.
(useful articles)

Vibration steering occurs for many reasons. There are a variety of symptoms, which can determine the causes of vibration of the steering wheel. The steering wheel may vibrate on a certain speed, and continuously. Steering vibration can occur during acceleration, driving and braking of the car, as well as when the engine is just idling.

Vibration steering at speeds often arises from the unbalanced rotating masses. There may be various reasons for this phenomenon, which can also at the same time complement each other. Vibration can occur due to wheel drive mud clogging. Some models are designed wheels so that dirt can accumulate in certain places, and zasyhaya create unbalanced mass. The first thing to do when a steering vibration is to wash all the wheels and make sure there is no dirt on them.

Vibration steering may occur if poorly balanced wheel. This problem can be solved only by the tire changer service. If after visiting the tire shop appeared steering vibration when accelerating and driving, we can confidently say that the reason for this is a bad wheel balancing.

Beating steering may occur due to improper geometry of the wheel rim or the tire. Such repairs may cause the wrong bus or drive, or a strong blow from which, for example, there are "bumps" on the rubber. Wheel with such defects can balance the ideal, but the runout will still be present, creating the dynamic loads on the suspension and steering vibration.

Also cause steering vibration can serve as incorrect installation of the wheels, or if the disk geometry does not match the hub. A common mistake is considered to be improper tightening wheel bolts or nuts with a conical base. Nuts and bolts should be tightened conical base, alternating with the opposite, and only if the wheel is suspended.

Vibration steering when braking may also occur because of the unbalanced mass of the wheel. But the main cause of the vibration of the steering wheel when braking a car is a strong uneven wear of the brake pads or discs. To eliminate this problem is to replace the brake discs and pads with new ones. A cheaper way to fix this problem can be groove brake discs, if it allows them to design and size.

The cause steering vibration during acceleration, driving and braking can be deformation of the wheel hub bearing or other elements of the suspension of the car. To diagnose this problem is measuring runout installed on the vehicle when it rotates in limbo. The deformation of the wheel hubs is often the result of a collision at high speed on a speed bump or a big hole.

Vibration idling vehicles can occur for many reasons. The most common problem is the failure of the engine mounts and the gearbox. To eliminate this problem is to replace the support that out of order. The vibrations on the steering wheel may occur when an unstable operation of the engine at idle. In this case, check the spark.

Vibration can occur on the steering wheel due to an imbalance or the fan unit. If the radiator clogged air conditioner, the air conditioner's fan will continue to run at maximum speed, which can also cause steering vibration.

Whatever the reason, the vibration of the steering wheel are not normal, but there is a kind of "critical signal" the driver of a car breakdown. When the vibration on the steering wheel should immediately identify and eliminate the cause.

пятница, 11 декабря 2015 г.

Do I need to change the oil in the gearbox?

Mechanics, automatic, CVT - what and how often to change the oil in these transmissions.

The list of works on any car maintenance included changing the engine oil. But we should not forget that the gearbox is also filled with oil. But how to determine that it is time to replace it? Does it fade time work and whether it should be topped up as the engine? And is there a time limit for service driveline?

🔎 Why oil in a box

Any oil, even for engines, even for transmissions consist of a base, the so-called base oil and additive package.

In these thermal loads butter begins to foam and lose lubricity

Properties of oils are determined by the quality of the chemical composition of their base and additives added to the oil used to adjust and improve their performance.

Apart from the lubrication of gear oils have another important function, it is the removal of heat from the meshing gears. The average temperature of the oil in the gearbox of a vehicle in motion is around 150 degrees Celsius, and at the contact patch meshed gears - about 300. When the temperature of the oil begins to foam loads and lose lubricity. In automatic transmissions oil is also a working body, transmitting the torque from the engine to the gears and foamed oil just does not allow the machine to move. It does not help even a special radiators mounted to cool the oil. To avoid this, add the oil in a special additive package.

🔎 When and Why change the oil?

The oil must be changed, primarily because of the loss of efficiency additive package. With the passage of time during the operation additives lose their properties and cease to provide reliable protection of working surfaces. Oil starts to foam and can occur bullies final drive. Consequences - boring buzz differential gear transmission, which will be amplified, and after 300-500 kilometers gear teeth begin to fail. Eventually the gearbox jammed. This is for vehicles with front-wheel drive and full. On vehicles having rear-wheel drive and manual transmission, the gearbox does not feel such temperature loads and oil can serve 10-20 thousand for longer without losing the lubricating properties. But his replacement is usually timed to changing the oil in the gearbox. This is done to remove dirt and chip, which is produced as a result of the gears, and replacing exits the transaxle housing with the oil overflows.

To avoid this, manufacturers recommend to carry out the procedure for replacing the gearbox oil every 50-60 thousand kilometers, and during intensive driving "Ramp" replacement time is reduced to 30-40 thousand mileage. These recommendations are independent of the total mileage of the vehicle.

In some car models, the transmission oil is filled for life. In this case, the transaxle housing no drain plug.

Talking about the service of automatic transmissions can not fail to mention the CVT box has become so common in today's automotive industry. Although they are considered to be automatic, but are designed very differently and work very hard in the temperature regime. Average oil for automatic transmissions for them is not necessary - there is a special liquid. It is recommended to change the fluid in the variator every 40-50 thousand kilometers, while the replacement of intensive driving is reduced to 30 thousand. CVT fluid change intervals must be strictly observed since
how, because of the constant high load on the variator belt and hard temperature, additive package breaks down much faster than in the conventional transmission oil.

When replacing the gearbox oil gearbox housing is not washed - this is not necessary. When repairing a result of disassembling the box out manually removed and cleaned all the dirt magnet that collects the shavings are the result of the work gear. Not worth saving, and after assembling a box engineers dealerships recommend to fill in the new oil, even if the replacement was planned as recently as the use of fresh oil Security deposit reliable and durable work gearbox.

Modern synthetic gear oils are all seasons and can operate without losing its lubricating properties in a temperature range from -50 to +50 degrees Celsius. They did not thicken, do not lose their viscous properties of the cold and the heat, so cars with such oils can be used almost anywhere.
Exhaust manifold - structural element of the exhaust system, designed for removal of exhaust gases from the individual cylinders in a common pipe. Another function of the exhaust manifold is to provide effective purging and filling of the combustion chambers.

The exhaust manifold is rigidly fixed to the cylinder head. At the exit it is joined by the catalytic converter or exhaust pipe. Between the exhaust manifold and the cylinder head gasket is placed, which prevents leakage of exhaust gas in the engine compartment. Exhaust manifold working in very difficult conditions, characterized by high temperatures (1300 ° C) and pressure.

There are two types of exhaust manifolds - solid and tubular. The one-piece collector has short channels, which are combined in a common cell. Made of heat-resistant cast iron. The one-piece exhaust manifold has a low efficiency of removal of exhaust gases and the purging of the combustion chamber, as short channels constitute an obstacle in the form of pulses of gas of each cylinder. On the other hand integral exhaust manifold is simple to manufacture and has a low cost.

On modern cars are installed mainly tubular exhaust manifolds, which are effective at medium and high speed, improve the power characteristics of the engine. Tubular exhaust manifolds are made of stainless steel, ceramics less. To achieve the best parameters of exhaust system and purging combustion chamber length, pipe diameter and the design (form) must be optimized.

The movement of the exhaust gas in the exhaust system is an oscillatory process. Short pipe exhaust manifold allows to achieve a resonance effect in which there is the best blowing combustion chambers at high engine speeds. With a long pipe on the contrary, the resonance effect is achieved at low rpm. The length of the pipe to prevent the return exhaust gas to neighboring combustion chamber, which is not yet closed discharge valves.

Small diameter pipes provides high speed exhaust gas, at which the best inertial purge of the combustion chamber and the rated torque at low and medium engine speeds. On the other hand small diameter pipe create additional resistance to flow at high engine speeds. With large diameter pipes get power increase at high rpm and the reduction in the lowest.

Currently, two common schemes tubular exhaust manifolds:

1) or short collector 4-1 (four tubes are connected to one tube);
2) long or collector 4-2-1 (four tubes are connected in pairs and further connected to one tube).
Tubular exhaust manifold is an important element of the car tuning. To one machine it may be presented with several designs and exhaust manifolds, respectively, achieve different effects. Short manifold provides extra power in a narrow rpm range. Long manifold more versatile, as it provides an increase in power and torque over a wide engine speed range.

🔎 exhaust manifold SkyActiv-G

For example, exhaust manifold 4-2-1 scheme applied to gasoline engines, which are installed on cars #Mazda technology SkyActiv-G. In addition to the growth of the power in these engines implemented a higher compression ratio, and by improving the ventilation of the cylinder detonation in the cylinders does not occur.

During operation of the engine exhaust manifold heats the air in the engine compartment, respectively, heated air into the intake system and reduced power. To counteract this phenomenon made intake manifold insulation. There are different ways of thermal insulation: heat-reflecting panel installation, the device high temperature braid tube made reservoir with double walls.
              Shock: types, how to choose.

Over the entire life of the machine change the shock absorbers on the average two or three times. The reason can serve as a replacement or malfunction, or the desire to improve the car's behavior on the road. Selecting parts market is very large, so the first thing you need to decide with what to buy shock.
Select shock absorbers needed, depending on the design and purpose of the vehicle, also need to consider the quality of the road on which the vehicle is operated, the hardness of the tire and the personal preferences of car owners, as the fluctuations in people react differently. If a vehicle is not subject to specific requirements, it is best to take those shocks, which recommends that the manufacturer of the vehicle. Since they are optimally combined with the specified technical characteristics of the car and versatile in terms of ride, handling and stability of the machine.

On the choice of the buyer Now there are three types of shock absorbers:
• Oil;
• Gas;
• gas and oil.

There is also no clear opinion, which one is better and which is worse, it all depends on the preferences of the car and the car owner.

▫ Oil shock

They are the most soft and comfortable, but their purchase is necessary to consider the quality of the road. For active and aggressive driving, they do not fit, it is preferable to use them on the road, where they provide full comfort. These dampers cheapest, but not because they are of poor quality, but because of production technology. These shock absorbers are best suited for family cars, it is not recommended to drive a car that is running such shocks on bad roads - there is a risk of boiling oil.

▫ Gas shock absorbers

Traditionally, it is the most expensive and the most severe shocks. Their main area of ​​application - sports cars. They provide excellent grip, but with them the driver feels every bump, everyday riding with such shocks uncomfortable. This is due to the increase of the shock load on the ball and hub.

▫ Gas-oil shock

These shock absorbers are in the middle price segment and are most suitable for the urban cycle. Nitrogen gas eliminates the possibility of boiling the oil and grip better than when installing the oil damper. Service life at the gas-oil shock is very high.

In the Russian market the products of both domestic producers and foreign firms. Most foreign firms offers the buyer as gas and oil-filled models. Shock absorbers, gas-filled, represented by a series' original or standard "and" Sport ".

▫ Domestic manufacturers

"Plasma" (St. Petersburg);
"SAAZ" (Skopinsky Auto Aggregate Plant).

The products are low cost and very high quality, mostly oriented manufacturers in the domestic traffic, that is, the Russian cars.

▫ Foreign manufacturers

1. Cheap shock absorbers are firm «QH» and «AL-KO», suitable for those who use the car every day, and occasionally, no more than 5-7 thousand kilometers. In this mode dampers serve 3-5 years.

2. Shock average price segment:
«Monroe» (USA);
«Kayaba» (Japan);
«Sachs» (Germany);
«Boge» (Germany).
They are suitable for daily trips are reliable and reasonable price.

3. Shock the high price segment.
Koni (the Netherlands);
Bilstein (Germany).

вторник, 8 декабря 2015 г.

Porsche invest € 1 billion in the development of electric vehicles
German carmaker Porsche, belongs to the concern Volkswagen AG, has officially announced plans to release the first electric vehicle under its own brand. To this end, it plans to invest 1 billion euros and create new jobs.
As reported by Reuters, citing a statement by Porsche, made on Friday, December 4, the company will invest 700 million euros to expand its largest plant, located in Stuttgart (Germany). In particular, there will be a new assembly line and paint shop, and will create more than 1,000 jobs. In addition, Porsche will spend 300 million euros for the development of the development center.
presented at the Frankfurt Motor Show in September 2015. This "chetyrёhdverka" is equipped with two electric motors of 600 hp, all-wheel drive and chassis polnoupravlyamym. The manufacturer claims that this car is capable of accelerating to 100 km / h in just 3.5 seconds. Cruising range electric vehicle is more than 500 km, to charge the batteries for 80% it takes 15 minutes.
Porsche expects to begin mass production of its first electric vehicle only in 2020. For more technical information about the new manufacturer has not yet disclosed.

среда, 2 декабря 2015 г.


On a warm car and light stable launch vehicle in the winter cold you need to take care in advance, so as yet not much cold a good idea to set the preheater.

Pre-heater is a device intended to facilitate engine starting in cold conditions. As a rule, the term "preheater" called heaters coolant in the cooling system. At the same time, engine preheating provide other device: glow plugs, diesel heaters, oil heaters.

Pre-heater is installed on the car as an option or separately. Depending on the method of creating thermal energy are 3 kinds of countdown heaters:

- Fuel,
- electric,
- Thermal battery.

Fuel heater

The most widely used in domestic cars and trucks found fuel heaters used to heat the coolant energy combustion (gasoline, diesel fuel, gas). The main advantage of the fuel heaters autonomy since they use a power source on the vehicle. Therefore another name such heaters - heaters autonomous.

The fuel heater is embedded in the regular cooling system, fuel system and exhaust system. Fuel heater typically performs two functions:

- Heating the coolant,
- Heated air and heating the cabin.

There are stand-alone heaters performing only heating the passenger compartment, the so-called Air heaters.

Structurally, the fuel heater combines heating (heat generating) module and a control system.

The heating unit includes a fuel pump nozzle, the glow plug, combustion chamber, heat exchanger, fan. The pump provides fuel to the preheater where it is sprayed, is mixed with air and ignited by a spark plug. Thermal energy burned down the mixture through a heat exchanger heats the coolant. The combustion products are discharged into the exhaust system by a fan.

The coolant is circulated in a small circle of the cooling system in a natural way (bottom-up) or force (water pump). After the coolant reaches a predetermined temperature, the fan relay includes heating and air conditioning and heating takes place car. When the maximum temperature the heater is turned off.

The different designs of fuel heaters control of his work can be carried out directly via the power button, timer, remote control, GSM-module, which provides start-up heater on a mobile phone.

Electric Heater

Electric heaters are used to heat the coolant electrical energy external AC power. The most widely used electric heaters found in northern European countries, however, in our country and they are used frequently.

The main advantages of electric heaters are no emissions during operation, noiseless, low price, fast heating of the liquid, because in fact it is an electric kettle.

Electric heater is installed directly in the cooling jacket of the cylinder or one of the cooling pipes.

Typical features of the electric heater are:

- Heating the coolant;
- Heating and air heating compartment;
- Charge the battery.

Electric heater includes an electrical heating element up to 3 kW, the electronic control unit and recharge the battery module.

The principle of operation of the electric heater is similar to the fuel heater. The main difference in the method of heating the coolant. Electric heater also provides battery charging, which is relevant for the operation of the vehicle at low air temperatures.

Heat accumulator

The heat accumulator is the most rare type preheater, despite the fact that it has high efficiency. Along with the name of thermal battery, other appropriate name - thermal energy storage system coolant.

Thermal energy storage system performs the following functions:

- The accumulation of heat energy;
- Storage of thermal energy;
- Use of energy for heating the coolant;
- The use of energy for heating the air and heating the cabin.

The design of the system includes: a heat accumulator, the coolant pump, control valve and a control unit.

The heat accumulator as part of the thermal energy storage system provides for storing heated coolant. It is a metal cylinder with vacuum insulation. The pump provides heat accumulator charging the heated coolant and discharging when the engine starts. Charging the battery is carried out automatically by the control unit and the signal is repeated periodically while driving.

Low battery is made with the push of a button, while the pump is switched on and the hot liquid is pumped into the pulmonary circuit cooling system. Valve controls the flow of coolant between the engine and passenger compartment heater.

WHAT MAKES USE preheater

1. Reduce the number of "cold" start of the engine. It is estimated that on average, each driver generates for the year from 300 to 500 "cold" starts. In this specific research in this area, produced well-known European companies, it was found that in terms of a "cold" start-up, the use of pre-heating the engine reduces fuel consumption by 100 to 500 ml. Size savings depends on the outdoor temperature and duration of heating. Thus, according to rough estimates, the use of pre-heating of the autonomous heaters saves in one winter season from 90 to 150 liters of gasoline or diesel fuel.

2. Reduction of heavy modes of operation, increasing engine wear. The overwhelming proportion of engine wear occurs during its launch. This is because when a "cold" start viscosity of engine oil is increased and the lubricating properties are lowered. At the same time the friction surfaces of moving parts, increased and increased wear in a rod-crank and piston units. A "cold" start reducing resource powertrain 3-6 hundred kilometers. The Russian climate with 100 days per year minus temperatures can give a reduction of the resource engine for one season on the 80 th. Km.

3. To improve the safety and comfort of driving. The cold promotes enhanced heat transfer of the body and fatigue. Increases drowsiness and lethargy, decreased attentiveness of the driver. Mode of driving becomes more irrational. In addition, it increases the risk of occupational diseases such as cervical, lumbar osteochondrosis, ARI
     Rebuilding the front of a truck or wagon

1. If you are in a car near the right front wheel of the truck, the driver can not see you! The picture is marked blind spot. So an attempt to get into the truck on the right side has little chance of success.

2. If you are in front of a traffic light, where a red light suddenly regrouped in front of the wagon, get ready to kick ass! The driver usually expects to stop at the stop line and not ready for such a maneuver you. And make no mistake the fact that a lot of truck wheels, so she (the van) just will not stop! The more that half of the truck rides with front-loaded, and a faulty brake system.

3. If a truck with a trailer turns from the second row, no need to be the smartest and turn it parallel with the first. On the first row will his trailer.

4. If you are moving the truck look in his mirror, if you do not see the face of the driver, so he can not see you!

5. If you are going to the mountains or winter on the main road and adjacent territories on the slope slowly creeps truck, possibly miss it, because if it stops it will get stuck and tend to gather a huge traffic jam. Whatever did not broadcast the TV, cargo studded tires does not exist!

воскресенье, 22 ноября 2015 г.

Renault Sport R.S. 01

3.8 V6
Power: 500 hp
Torque: 600 Nm
Drive: Rear
To disperse hundreds: 2.9 seconds
Max. speed: 340 km / h
Mass: 1100 kg

Novitec Maserati Granturismo MC

4.7L V8
Power: 645 hp
Torque: 625 Nm
Drive: Rear
To disperse hundreds: 3.9 seconds
Poppy. speed: 330 km / h
Mass: 1720 kg

2010 Jaguar C-X75

Class: concept car
Body Type: 2-door coupe
Engine: 4 electric +2 gas turbines
Power: 780 hp
Torque 1600 Nm
Transmission: Automatic 1
Drive: rear drive
Mass 1350 kg.
Max. speed: 330 km / h
0-100 km / h: 3.4 seconds.
Power reserve: 900 km.

Koenigsegg One: 1

Engine: 5.0 V8
Power: 1360 hp
Torque 1371 Nm
Maximum speed: 430 km / h
Acceleration to 100 km / h: 2.5 seconds
Acceleration to 400 km / h for 20 seconds
Drive: Rear
Weight: 1360 kg
Produced by 6 units
Price: $ 2,850,000

1969 Ford Anvil Mustang

Engine: 8.5 V8
Power: 805 hp
Max. speed: 300 km / h
To disperse hundreds of 3.8 seconds
Drive: Rear
Weight: 1650 kg

суббота, 14 ноября 2015 г.

               Code courtesy of the driver

1. Start the movement in a good mood. Whatever happens, do not let emotions get the better of him.

2. All we ever started to ride and felt uncomfortable. Remember those days indulgence to the green beginner. Very soon they will become more confident!

3. Correctly use the "turn"! Include them in advance and remember: this is not an advantage, it is an act of polite warnings!

4. not blind drivers beam headlights and xenon! It can not only bring inconvenience, but also cause a fatal accident!

5. overtake? Release the "gas", take to the right within the band and wish good overtaking road. Karma reckoned it!

6. It is better in close quarters, but not mad. Park sparingly. Today you leave the car to another place, a place you will leave tomorrow!

7. On the road dense stream, and the driver is necessary to enter or travel in or out of it? Get benevolence: slow down and let the
to complete the maneuver. They helped you - and help you!

8. You helped missed ceded? Thank wisher "emergency gang"! It will be the motivation to do it again and again!

9. A flashing green? Do not "drown" that there is strength: the road intersects with somebody, too, can rush to "just about the green." Take care of yourself!

10. You are in the big / expensive / fast car? Do not show it, accelerating from a traffic light to hundreds of seconds. Drive safely - let
other road users the opportunity to enjoy your car!

11. The conflict situation? Do not stoop to the level of fighters! Never did anyone not prove the cost of health or a car! Fool punish himself.

12. Professionals do not wriggle out of emergencies. They anticipate events based on pre-conditions and take measures to avoid them.
Why is the engine not gaining or not gaining momentum, not pull.

If your engine is not gaining or not gaining momentum, not pulling, sneezes and farts, you will agree it is not very nice. Here, let's try to understand the reasons for this is not healthy behavior of the engine, which I assure you a great variety of what some wiring or pipe before delivering the very problems with the electronics or iron.

So, we proceed to the enumeration of reasons.

1) Fault or deterioration of the fuel system. Like gasoline and in diesel engines, this item is always checked first, if the engine does not pull bad gaining momentum.

In gasoline engines are often damaged beyond gasoline pump, so that the first thing he checked, and here it does not matter electric or mechanical life examples suffice. Even here one recent acquaintance with the single injection in the Passat came, complained about the lack of traction, and where do you think was the crux of the matter? That's right, slowly dying petrol pump, resulting in insufficient fuel and empty the engine is not as brisk. Also watch himself organ supply and distribution of fuel, the carburetor or injector monoinjection, but it is already on the site to toplivschikam not me. Let checked, adjusted, repaired.
As regards diesel engines in most cases, when the orifice die apparatus, there are problems described in the header. Death of spray nozzles and end plunger pump lead to a large loss of engine power, to the point that he did stop and start.
If you are sure that the equipment with nozzles alive, but the motor does not want to gain momentum as it should, you probably have is later than the ignition, that is, you need to conjure with the ignition timing, to do before.
Air leaks in the fuel system of a diesel engine is the real evil. Suction can either killed by sealing washers (copper or aluminum) and a small hole in which a hose from the fuel system. In general, you need to find the leak and kill.
Fuel filters, concerns both diesel and petrol, if they have not changed and are clogged, the thrust from the engine, too, can not be expected.

2) Malfunction of the ignition system. It is determined not troit Does your engine if troit in the next post PUBLIC MOTOR. If you do not troit, then start simple, with tramblёra. Firstly it is to twist the engine is running, try to catch the moment (if such a course is) when the engine will run more injectivity. If it does not look carefully wires and candles, and other electrical crap.
If you Injection engine, start with the timing marks, because it is on the correctness of their installation at the injection depends on the time of the engine spark and fuel injection. If you tagged the procedure may fail released what some of the sensors, of which the injector motor darkness, since the air flow sensor, the sensor crankshaft position sensor, camshaft sensor idle, ending the lambda probes and other electronic heresy, which should be checked for performance either you or auto electrician to which you refer.
If your engine has become poor acceleration after replacing the belt or timing chain, perhaps a mistake during installation, because here the tooth left a tooth right plays an important role, the error is only one tooth may deprive you of the pleasure indentation pedal Polycom, instead leap from their seats a slip can be obtained with an uncertain place to offset increased fuel consumption.

3) Problems with the air supply. Air leaks in the way of the cylinders after the air flow sensor too, as fraught with a loss of power, because the computer calculates the composition of the fuel mixture on the basis of the indications of the amount of supplied air which passes the DFID, if the air is more, as a result of lean mixture and poor Rod.
The air filter should be changed every six months, but there are clever people who do not change it for years. As a result of the complicated flow of air, the black smoke, the engine is bad gaining momentum and prominence capacity. Replacing the filter resolves the problem.

4) Problems with the exhaust. Before you embark on a prose on the subject, I advise you to check the catalyst, if you still stands. If it is clogged, it's sad, was a case in the Audi 100 C4 2.3 engine is not gaining momentum, 4000 the limit long puzzled, threw a catalyst engine was like a beast.
I think it is no secret to many that the engines without mufflers produces 10-15% more power, so the tuning engines often put forward flow with a larger diameter exhaust pipes, but it's for the overall development.
Now, the prose, the case of the recent past. KAMAZ engines, brought to thorough renovation, reason: no power and is gaining momentum. Uncovered head, and there ass all apparently ate well the engine oil, and oil is waning just as the exhaust manifold, in short soot on the walls of the exhaust manifold was unrealistic to many, had a hole diameter of 3-4 cm, it is like a man constipation, and without interference from the outside it is not treated.

воскресенье, 25 октября 2015 г.

     How to change the oil in the engine?

Replacing the engine oil of different brands of cars is not much different, and are roughly the same pattern. If you want to make all of the work with his own hands, first choose a motor oil suitable for the type and brand of the engine.

▪Poryadok replace engine oil with their own hands is as follows:

First you need to warm up the engine to operating temperature. If the engine has warmed up, then wait a few minutes to cool down a little engine oil to the replacement not to burn yourself. Next we find a suitable container, which will drain the oil. As a rule, fit the old canister when cut with a knife the side cover.

To drain the oil, it is necessary to unscrew the plug on the engine crankcase. How to define it? Typically, this is the lowest point on the crankcase, or better just to make sure to consult the instruction manual for your vehicle. For a start, unscrew the plug crankcase wrench, but in the end it is desirable to arms, because the oil will pour directly and very quickly (pre substitute capacity to drain), so the plug can be lost.

The oil is drained from the engine quickly, this usually requires no more than five minutes. We can say that one hundred percent of the drain oil from the engine fail. It's not scary, because motor is usually not more than 2-3% of the used oil.

The old oil is drained, estimated its color, the presence of impurities. These factors determine whether you want to flush the engine, or requires a replacement of oil without cleaning. Once filled with fresh oil, usually oil filter change, after which the engine oil change is completed.

When pour new oil into the engine, constantly watch its level using the dipstick. Pour the oil should be at his level is between the "min" and "max". Fill 80% of the total, and it is constantly top up after correcting with a feeler gauge.

▪Interval replace the engine oil

For modern engines with a significant increase in quality of the produced oil is often recommended to replace produce 15-20 thousand kilometers. But it must be borne in mind that this value is determined by the manufacturer under normal operating conditions at the factory bench endurance tests. The operating conditions worse, the more you should consider earlier replacement of oil and, consequently, the oil filter.

What is considered severe conditions? This, above all, should include the climate: cold winters, frequent changes of temperature, very humid climate, dusty air. Frequent motor overload (for example, in mountainous terrain, or when transporting heavy loads) also does not contribute to the preservation of efficiency of oil. Usually, if the operating conditions defined by you as serious, it is recommended to run oil changes reduced by 25-30 percent.
Do I need to change the oil filter when changing the oil?

Yes, changing the oil in the engine it is necessary to even replace the oil filter. If you are replacing oil in auto-service, the service oil change includes also the replacement of the oil filter. So why change the oil filter?

Running the engine with a clogged oil filter is equivalent to the engine without a filter. Since oil is bypassed by the filter element. This is by design of the oil filter. Whenever changing the oil filter change necessary because in normal operation it has to be 8000 km scored, resulting in the opening of the bypass valve and the oil goes to the friction pairs of brown. Hence - the intensive wear of the engine. Although emergency pressure lamp will not light.

If you change the oil filter yourself, then at its replacement do not forget to pour motor oil in it to about half its volume (for the best first run after the oil change) and lubricate the rubber band on the filter housing.

▪Sovety to replace the engine oil

1. Change the oil more often! None of the air filter will not hold all the dust and dirt present in the air. And, accordingly, none of the fuel filter does not delay the impurities, which are sold at our filling stations with fuel in the form of a free bonus.

2. Do not overuse "express" oil change. Vacuum replacing bad oil that remains in the engine much more waste engine oil than with the traditional method of replacing the sink. Therefore, a way to replace the oil it is necessary to alternate with traditional sink, while reducing the service interval.

3. Carefully choose a motor oil. Buy only engine oils that meet approvals and approval by the vehicle manufacturer. Remember that the strength - not the most important parameter. In choosing your help article, "How to choose engine oil."

4. In no case do not use any additives and additives in engine oil! The additives in the oil can only hurt, the positive effect of such impurities can be very short ("what are additives for engine").

5. Do not buy motor oil from dubious merchants! Counterfeit motor oil 100% will not meet the requirements of the vehicle manufacturer, so the engine fast enough can fail. For example, I always buy the oil company Teboil.

6. Do not skimp on the filters! Remember that every speck of dust and particles missed one or another filter to the engine, it is an excellent abrasive, destroying the gaps and the inner surfaces of your engine.

7. Each time the check undercarriage! The car still rides on SRT, rises on a lift. For a modest surcharge you get confidence in your car. If an electrical, or even the power unit on the road over a tow truck, but the surprise suspension may lead to irreparable consequences.

8. Make sure the oil level on the dipstick on labels. Underfill oil to the bottom of the label can lead to oil starvation of rubbing surfaces of parts, which in turn, will lead to their rapid deterioration, and then costly repairs inevitable. Overflow oil causes it to foam rotating crankshaft and also a negative effect on the friction parts.

In the Canadian city of Ontario is one of the BMW dealership is closed now 23 years old, but in his bowels, as it turned out, kept on new cars of previous years.

Through the windows of the showroom can be seen Coupe 6-Series and the "five" sample 80-ies, but argues that it is only a small part of the "treasure." Canned building has underground parking, which are still a lot of the Bavarian luxury models.

The reason that a business owner has stopped doing business and gave up movable and immovable property, nobody knows. According to local residents, employed at one time I went to Toronto, where he also opened a salon BMW, which existed until 2002.

Interestingly, brroshenny dealership became a victim of vandals and car remained unchanged. The building is still protected, and the more it seems strange that the owner has not yet found a room and use machines.
GAZ M-20 "Victory" Snowmobiling "North" (1960-1961)

Issued 100 snowmobiles "North"
In 1959, the Kamov helicopter design bureau developed a car-snowmobile "North-2" (in the process of development of manufacture snowmobiles number "2" of the title is lost). Serial car "Victory", mounted on skis aircraft engines AI-14 260 hp It turned into a high-speed transport for the northern regions of the country during the winter off-road.
Average mileage snowmobiles "North" was 12 ... 15 thousand kilometers per year at an average speed of traffic on mail routes 30 ... 35 km / h. The route passes through virgin snow, pack ice in temperatures down to 45 ... 50 degrees Celsius. Snowmobiling worked along the Amur River, served settlements along rivers Lena, Ob and the Pechora. Snowmobiling "North-2" performs regular mail and passenger flights in Siberia, the Far East and Kazakhstan. "
Chassis weight (max.) - 2350kg
Engine brand - AI-14RS
Engine power - 260hp
Screw diameter - 2,7m
Commercial load -500kg
Maximum speed - 60km / h
The duration of the course - 5 hours
Cruising range - 360km.
Renault showed the original concept car Coupe Corbusier

Renault has paid tribute to the famous French architect Le Corbusier unusual demonstration of the concept car Coupe Corbusier.

Le Corbusier - one of the most significant architects of the XX century. He is considered a pioneer of modern architecture and functionalism. Characteristic features of his style can be considered a flat roof terrace, viewed through the facades, rough surfaces and volumes greige blocks raised above the ground.

The creators of the concept Coupe Corbusier tried to transfer the architectural techniques of Le Corbusier in the world of cars. So, coupe got a very long, flat hood and a large glass area. Everywhere traced the idea of ​​"free-form", which developed the French architect.

Overall, the car has received a fairly rapid design. Among the conspicuous elements can distinguish the massive radiator grille, clearly defined area near the wheel and rolled back.

On the technical characteristics of the concept at Renault, unfortunately, do not say anything. We only know that used LED lights, and the interior is designed for two people.

понедельник, 19 октября 2015 г.

15 signs of "twisted" run of the car.

Oh, how good it was even some hundred years ago, with the choice of vehicles. From early in the morning I got up and went to the fair, walked along the rows, looked at his teeth and slapped on the rump liked the raven, bargained the price, and all you can harness and go home on a new horse.

If anyone is unclear why his teeth looked at, then I will explain: one of the only reliable evidence of the age of the horse had teeth.
The horse could somehow look good, but what he was older, the more worn down teeth.
Because the horse's teeth fray grass and eventually they grind.
Gloss on the dray horse, or you can bring - to clean the skin, comb mane, well-heeled and dental nothing could be done.

And now?
Come to any salon that sells used vehicles: all vehicles are reclaimed, polished, napolirovany, drizzle with a pleasant interior deodorant, all as on selection!
Well, where is "to look in the mouth?"
If it was simple, I would say - look at the odometer - it shows how really drove this "horse".
But I do not know whether the steel is now to put the horses' veneers' to the teeth, but the iron horses' teeth to forge a "learned. Should you only advertise the sale of cars like sprinkling sms with the offer "twist mileage of your car."

So, what is it?
The adjustment path of the car, made the intervention of special tools or hardware components of the car to change the indication on the dashboard or in the onboard computer of the vehicle.

If earlier, when the odometers were mechanical, and the methods of correction were mechanical - versed assembly and odometer or just changed the numbers on the disc, or act more delicately put on the odometer cable chuck electric drill and "cool" to the desired path.
Now that almost all parts of the vehicle are electronic, the mileage and corrected electronically. To connect the vehicle's diagnostic socket special equipment and "reflash" the new figures run of the car.
Just five minutes of exercise a specialist and your car can change from everyday hardworking grandfather in the car, driving to church on weekends.
How do we determine the true mileage of the car?
Let's try to describe the main characteristics, which can, if not know the real running, but guessed that it corrected.

1. The conflict between the odometer and mileage data for other electronic components of the car.
Currently, manufacturers are electronically recorded mileage of the car in a variety of different electronic control units of the vehicle.
Often, the running can be adjusted in only one (odometers), and in other units, such as ABS or lever block forget correct running and there will run the actual numbers.
Often overlooked flash ignition, in which the majority of modern cars, there are also indications of run of the car.
Also, if the correction is not engaged experts can remain in the system error which will say that was tampering correction path.
Unfortunately, this method can be used only with special equipment, which can be found only at service stations.

2.3. Discrepancies between the odometer and vehicle service history, data from official dealers.
I'll start with the case of life - look around the car, on the odometer 50 with small thousand kilometers.
I opened the hood, see the label on the last oil change. I read it carefully, it says that the oil has been replaced by 120 000 kilometers.
Beckons Seller - carefully re-read it to him. The seller is red, and a minute later acknowledged that a neighbor advised the garage to correct mileage to sell up to 50 000 expensive.
It is certainly too simple and obvious.
But it is possible to find such traces inconsistencies in the service book, look through the work orders, if they survived.
And best of all refer to the dealer and ask for the service history of the vehicle.

4.5. State driver's seat, seat belts
Fabric or leather driver's seat is not a figure that can be easily changed.
Therefore, look carefully for wear, cracks, breaks cover chair. Move the view of the seat back.
For example, gaps or holes on the back is not only appear before 200,000 km.
Cars are often sold with a strained covers over the seats, do not be lazy to look under the covers, and whether the seller is not trying new beautiful covers to hide the strong depreciation of the chair.
Look closely at the neighboring chair, and not over whether the seat of the new skin, if so, think about why, ask questions to the seller.
See how greasy and either tears or is damaged belt.
For example, look at this picture, the car owner claimed that the true mileage - 150000 km.

6,7,8. Status steering, gearshift knob, armrest on the driver's door.
Modern car helm material made of materials that are destroyed by time, or mechanical action. The more expensive cars covered with leather.
Hands driver secrete sweat and with time he leaves the characteristics of how often operated cars. Plastic starts to crumble, leather, zapolirovyvaetsya, abrasions, tears.
Women's long nails cut the skin, damage the coating of buttons.
Look carefully at the bottom of the steering wheel, it often rubs against the legs of the driver.
The true state of the steering wheel sometimes try to hide under a decorative braid on the steering wheel.
Most dealers are on certain investments, buying new steering wheels and handle, or buy for demolition, to disguise this lack in their car.

9. Status pedals
Almost always the driver's foot is on the pedal at the right, and if you see that it is polished to a mirror finish, and you are the seller claims that only went in the summer, a good occasion to reflect on his honesty.
Also pay attention to the condition of the carpet coverage under the heel of the driver. For large runs, there is formed a hole down to the metal.

10. The condition of the brake discs
Wear of the brake discs of a vehicle depends on many factors, such as driving habits, the quality of the brake discs, brake pads and other factors, but, nevertheless, we can safely say that the majority of vehicles, the average life of the brake disc 50 000 -80 000 km.
Look carefully, if you see that the brake discs have been replaced, whether it is consistent with the numbers on the odometer?

11. Condition of tires car wheels
ut also need to bear in mind that the average car tire tread wears out in 50 000 km.
Of course, you need to consider the wear resistance of a particular tire model.
Relate this information to the presence of winter wheels, analyze and make a rough conclusion on the actual mileage.

12. Status timing belt
Timing belts require replacement of 60 000 - 100 000 km. His condition is easy to look under the hood and look at the integrity and analyze the fact that the seller claims.
At the same time do not forget to look into the history of the service, and have not changed any of its previously.
On some car models it is hidden under the cover. Then simply watch strap dopoborudovaniya, it varies mainly as 60-100 per ton-km.

13. Chips on the bonnet, front bumper, windshield, roof edge, Farah.
It would not have tried to hide the people running, but mechanical damage arising during the run at 100% never hide.
If the hood is dotted with small chipped whole, and moreover already repainted, the windshield was replaced twice, glass lights murky from the blows of stones and sand, I will never believe that the car passed only 50 000 kilometers.

14. Luft driver's door
Open the driver's door. Try to shake it up and down. Over time, the driver's door hinges and there is a break in play freewheel, which is never on new cars.
Do not forget to check out at the same time and the door on the passenger side if the other hand, the driver's door has no backlash and backlash passenger, an occasion to reflect, and not whether the vehicle used as a taxi?

15. The following opening and dismantling of the dashboard
This feature can be considered a kind of outdated, but not to call him, I can not.
If the odometer mechanical type, then to correct it is necessary to open the dashboard and make certain manipulations.
On modern cars, in such a way is almost not used or used very rarely.

And now, in anticipation of your objections to some, and perhaps prosecution, I want to emphasize:
Most of these indirect signs, and can not categorically speak of the twisted mileage.
Use these attributes in the analysis of the whole picture as a whole, rather than one to some fragment.
If you see before you fat seller, the increased wear of the driver's seat will not talk about the twisted path, and that the driver of a different weight and size of the average.
Actually, I do not support the idea of ​​making a decision about buying a car only by the figures run.
I no longer look at the so-called "Hours" and they unfortunately have not yet learned to fix and can be determined only on the condition of the car.
Good luck buying a car with real numbers on the odometer!

2003 Dodge Avenger

Class: concept car
Body Type: 5 door SUV
Engine: V6 3.5 L
Transmission: Automatic, 4
Drive: rear drive
Layout: perednemotornaya
Fuel Type: Gasoline
Country brand: United States

American tuning studio will undertake the modernization of UAZ off-road vehicles

The founder of the studio Devolro, which focuses mainly around the modernization of luxury SUV class has shared information on their progress regarding UAZ «Hunter». Prepared by "tuning package" for the car includes the replacement of the power unit for diesel engines in volume of 2.5 liters or 3 liters with a capacity of 160 liters. from. and 210 l. from. respectively, and an exclusive body kit installation in the corporate style with a range of decorative and functional design additions. Of course, such a global refurbishment involves the use of an SUV and the new elements of the chassis, transmission, as well as a number of other sites.

It is worth noting that, together with UAZ «Hunter» Devolro plans include modernization of UAZ-23632 «Pickup», UAZ-3163 «Patriot» and UAZ-23602 «Cargo». Assembling the updated versions of cars will be carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation, however, the production of all of the necessary parts will assume the tuners. To do this, engineers Devolro plan to produce a large-scale redesign of several production cars UAZ, understand and modify them in accordance with the specifications.

As for the cost of Russian off-road vehicles, which will make the master's hand Devolro, it should be $ 25- $ 40 thousand., Depending on the configuration. The scale of production will be relatively small - about 200 cars annually. The first copy of the Russian-American "competitor Gelendvagen" can see the light at the end of next year.

Armored elongated Inkas Armored Mercedes G63 AMG!

Price: $ 1,000,000

The guys from Freightliner truck created future. All management is done through the tablet. The truck is equipped with a self-managed and can independently go through the long highways.

1955 Chevrolet Bel Air

Pontiac Firebёrd 400

1962-65 BMW 3200 CS Coupe

суббота, 17 октября 2015 г.

Do you have to breathe into a Breathalyzer inspector?

You stop the traffic police inspector and asked "to blow into a tube." You are confident and agree to, and suddenly the device shows that you're drunk. Congratulations, you're all wrong. But how? Experience divided our lawyer.

There are, of course, and very sober people, but more often in such cases, unsure. Or maybe not yet weathered with weekend, despite the fact that it is now the end of the week ?! And you're like most drivers, committing another mistake. Talk to the inspector that, yes, yet three days ago have sinned, and drank a bottle of beer, it is naive to rely on the understanding of him. Do not expect, miracles do not happen. You have just said about the use of, and this is a direct path to the doctors for examination.

 So how to behave correctly in this case?

Let's look at the same situation only has to correct your actions.

So you stop the inspector and ask to be tested for alcohol. And you, before you blow into the phone, answer that gladly follow his request, but only after he found two witnesses, whom colleagues it can not be, or begin to conduct a video of what is happening, and then draw up a protocol to dismiss you from driving.

Notify the inspector that you are sober, and therefore, if the instrument will show something bad, then you are going to require a trip to the doctors! And he'll have to make another protocol to send you for a medical examination in which he is obliged to indicate the signs of your intoxication.

 When your words are likely to have the inspector simply let go.

Well, if the inspector still found witnesses or camcorder, and drew up a report, it would take him a breathalyzer certificate and an original of the calibration device.

Let me remind you that the test for alcohol on the road using a Breathalyzer measured taking into account the margin of error in the unit 0.16 milligrams per liter of exhaled air. Therefore, there will be more than if you check with the inspector what the error of his technical means. If the device has shown the value of 0.16, you are sober.
And remember that the survey on the road proof of your intoxication is not, it will be direct evidence only if you are agreed with his results!

In no case do not give up a medical examination, or walk you walk two years, but still have to pay a fine of 30 thousand rubles.

 Then, if you disagree with the results of the Breathalyzer, you do insist on a trip to the doctor.

In the report, handed to you on the signature, indicate that the inspector without any reason you are accused in a drunken state. Alcoholic beverages are not consumed. With the alleged violation did not agree and require the assistance of counsel. If the inspector is stopped you post DPS, calling cause stop checking documents, and this fact certainly reflect in the minutes. Since the verification of documents is not the cause of the stop is fixed stations, which means that there is already a violation on his part.

So you sent for examination. You go, most likely with the police on their machine. Question: what to do with your car? Even if something breathalyzer showed a drunk you are not recognized, so the car can not be evacuated, it must stay in place stop. If the examination recognizes you drunk, then it will have to have a take away on the car pound or transfer arms to your friend or relative, to fit into the insurance (if you have insurance, without limitation, the wheel can take anyone with the right).

On arrival at the medical facility, ask doctors to produce your license for a medical examination, as well as the certificate of conformity of devices they use.
Doctors should make two measurement readings with an interval of 20 minutes. Whatever the outcome of the doctor is an act of a medical examination, in triplicate. Act is signed by the doctor and stamped. One copy is given to you.

  Every medical procedure medosvidetelstvovaniya recorded in a special register.

In the event that you are drunk, the inspector shall draw up a protocol on administrative offense. In the report, you should be sure to specify that you do not accept it, since alcohol is not consumed, and that require an independent medical examination. Specify the time.

Next, the inspector prepared a second report "On the detention of the vehicle", then your car evacuated to eliminate the reasons for the detention, that is, until the next examination of evidence that refutes the result of the medical examination. So, again, better to pass your car in good hands, and then there will be nothing to evacuate.

  And know that you have exactly 2 hours by passing an independent examination fee by the time specified in the act of a medical examination.

And the inspector does not have the right to withdraw your driver's license and issue a temporary permit, he should have done it earlier, because no such thing as a "patch" for a long time no longer exists. The obligation to surrender a driver's license you will come the day when the come into force of the court decision to deprive you of the right to drive vehicles - from this moment you will have exactly 3 days.

If by the inspector under the direction of a medical examination you were violations or it took you to medical sober, you spend your time, then immediately submit a complaint against him. And to appeal the actions of its inspectors can direct superiors in the prevention and control of traffic police department, the Office of its own security police or the prosecutor's office, and directly to the lawyer. Then maybe you have a chance to return to the court of law.

  According to Article 137.5 of the Order № 185 MVD, if the driver is recognized as sober, the inspector of traffic police is obliged to deliver it back to the car. The independent examination of it you should not go, so there will have to take a taxi.

Q: What if the car for as long as you pass a further examination, had to take on a tow truck? Look for an inspector who signed the protocol on the detention of the vehicle, the data is in the report. It is based on a paper from the medical center, talking about your sobriety, must put a stamp duty on a copy of the protocol - it will be your resolution out to pick up cars from the parking lot.

There remains the question of payment towing services ... But this is another topic to which we will return shortly. Be sure to communicate with the inspector and learn to competently defend their rights.

Skip timing belt

Belt performs important mission in the car and the reliability of its work depends on the durability and safety of the engine.

On some models, the engine broken belt or slippage when the timing belt skipped a few teeth on the crankshaft or camshaft pulley can cause severe damage.

If skipping even when the timing belt is no emergency, the engine begins to run rough or stall at all.

This is due to the fact that stray timing cycle is disturbed and supply of fuel and purge cylinder. Typically, these cases occur when the timing belt gets oil or antifreeze. This can be potekshaya pump or disrupt the gland of one of the shafts. On the front-VAZ 2108-09 and their modifications are sometimes the cause of getting the oil in the area of ​​operation is the timing belt potekshy oil pressure gauge located on the top left of the belt cover.

Therefore, as the belt is necessary to focus on, namely; not to leave until later appeared fresher suspicious spot in the region of the belt cover. Sometimes the "later" can not be, since even a small amount of oil can create conditions so that skipped belt.

If no visible traces of oil or antifreeze is not observed, and the motor, however, behaves in an unusual way, i.e. Turnover does not develop, difficult to start or stalls frequently - Remove the timing belt cover and ensure the correct tagging.

When replacing the timing belt Always ensure the accuracy of its installation on the factory label. "Hit by" even one tooth belt mark is necessarily adversely affect the operation of the engine, and on some models, it will be impossible to launch, as will be shot down timing. This especially applies to diesel engines, which are very sensitive to inaccuracies belt installation.

Putting the engine at the factory marks, start the installation of the belt with a long free hand, immediately giving him a preload, and then to lay it on through the rollers. The teeth of the timing belt should be exactly at the same time fall into depression pulleys, if this is not possible, a little slide crankshaft or camshaft, tooth belt to lay down clearly in the groove on a pulley. After installing again, check the labels match, having turned the crankshaft two turns.

четверг, 15 октября 2015 г.

The full-size sedan Lexus IS cardboard

The company Lexus continues to implement interesting projects. After flying hoverboards shown full-size sedan with premium Lexus IS, the body and the interior is made entirely of cardboard.

A new project called Origami Car. It has implemented a team of five people, including experts from companies such as LaserCut Works and Scales and Models. To create a highly unusual machine took three months.

Vehicle Origami Car is designed based on 3D-model Lexus IS, provided by Lexus. Body parts and interior elements are cut by laser from sheets of cardboard thickness of 10 mm during the entire implementation of the project in life was spent about 1700 cardboard panels.

The individual elements are interconnected at the water-based adhesive. They are mounted on a frame of steel and aluminum. The car is equipped with running lights and an electric motor. Plus, there are real hidden wheels that can rotate. This allows you to drive the car, though, of course, the project aims primarily demonstration purpose.

четверг, 8 октября 2015 г.

Catch phrase "Russian do not surrender!" Spread around the world in the years of the First World War - in 1915, during the defense of the small fortress of Osowiec located in what is now Belarus. Little Russian garrison was required to hold only 48 hours. It protects more than half a year - 190 days!

The Germans used against defenders all the latest achievements of weapons, including aircraft. For every defender had several thousand bombs and shells. Dropped from airplanes and issued dozens of guns 17 batteries, includes two of the famous "Big Bertha" (Russian who managed to knock out at the same time).

The Germans bombed the castle night and day. Month after month. Russian defended among hurricane of fire and iron to the last. There were very few, but the proposals of surrender has always followed the same answer. Then the Germans launched against the fortress of 30 gas batteries. On the position of the thousands of Russian tanks struck 12-meter wave chemical attack. Gas masks were not.

All live in the fortress was poisoned. Blackened and withered even grass. A thick layer of green poisonous chlorine oxide coated metal parts of guns and shells. At the same time the Germans launched a massive artillery bombardment. Following him to storm the Russian positions have moved over 7,000 Marines.

It seemed doomed fortress already taken. Thick, numerous German circuit was like getting closer and closer ... And at this moment of poisonous chlorine green mist descended on them ... counterattack! Russian was a little over sixty. The remains of the 13th Company 226 Regiment Zemlyansky. On each counterattacking had more than a hundred enemies!

Russian were in full growth. The bayonet. Shaken by coughing, spitting, winding through the cloth face, pieces of light on the bloody shirt ...

These warriors plunged the enemy in such horror that the Germans were not taking the fight, rushed back. In a panic, trampling each other, confused and hung on their own barbed wire. And then for him from clubs poisoned fog struck, seemingly already dead Russian artillery.

This battle will go down in history as "Attack of the Dead." During her several dozen half-dead Russian soldiers routed the 14 battalions of the enemy!

Russian defenders Osovets never surrendered the fortress. It was later abandoned. And by order of command. When the defense has lost all meaning. The enemy left no patron, no nail. All survived the fire of the fortress from the German and Russian bombing were blown up by sappers. The Germans decided to take the ruins just a few days.

If you have never engaged in independent car repairs, but plan to try, you should take into account the somewhat obvious, but of proven life will take.

1. The key is always lost. Somehow, the most vulnerable to the carob by 13. Therefore, all the keys you need to have two pieces, and carob at 13 - at least three. In addition, the nut with the lock nut of the same size will put the owner of the unit key in an awkward position.

2. If you are in a hole, and you urgently need the key, then it certainly would be outside somewhere on the hood.

3. In any machine is sure to have at least one nut (bolt), which are not crawl spanner and put on a socket. How it managed to tighten the factory - a great mystery. In the domestic car of nuts more than any other.

4. When disassembling virtually any node will certainly find at least one nut (bolt), which refuses otkruchivatsya that it is done. Pluck the verge of nuts provernetsya stud, bummer become attached bolt ... This does not mean that you have some particularly Krivorukov - way of the world.

5. On the basis of paragraph 4, it is necessary to have a supply of various fasteners to replace the damaged. Experienced mechanics accumulate a stock of itself and the novice will have to run to the nearest car shop for a miserable Gadget.

6. The nearest car shop will be closed.

7. After you run to the nearest store to buy not one Gadget, certainly spoil another. So do not rush to the store - first disassemble all through and count the losses.

8. Since you had to trudge to the store where the dash, then take stock of nuts - they cost a penny, and the next time will be useful.

9. Putting refurbished unit, not in a hurry to tighten most difficult nuts, first make sure that the unit is operational after a partition. So it will be easier to parse all back when you make sure that something is missed.

10. Remember - the most difficult stage of the work will not at all the one you expect ...