воскресенье, 25 октября 2015 г.

     How to change the oil in the engine?

Replacing the engine oil of different brands of cars is not much different, and are roughly the same pattern. If you want to make all of the work with his own hands, first choose a motor oil suitable for the type and brand of the engine.

▪Poryadok replace engine oil with their own hands is as follows:

First you need to warm up the engine to operating temperature. If the engine has warmed up, then wait a few minutes to cool down a little engine oil to the replacement not to burn yourself. Next we find a suitable container, which will drain the oil. As a rule, fit the old canister when cut with a knife the side cover.

To drain the oil, it is necessary to unscrew the plug on the engine crankcase. How to define it? Typically, this is the lowest point on the crankcase, or better just to make sure to consult the instruction manual for your vehicle. For a start, unscrew the plug crankcase wrench, but in the end it is desirable to arms, because the oil will pour directly and very quickly (pre substitute capacity to drain), so the plug can be lost.

The oil is drained from the engine quickly, this usually requires no more than five minutes. We can say that one hundred percent of the drain oil from the engine fail. It's not scary, because motor is usually not more than 2-3% of the used oil.

The old oil is drained, estimated its color, the presence of impurities. These factors determine whether you want to flush the engine, or requires a replacement of oil without cleaning. Once filled with fresh oil, usually oil filter change, after which the engine oil change is completed.

When pour new oil into the engine, constantly watch its level using the dipstick. Pour the oil should be at his level is between the "min" and "max". Fill 80% of the total, and it is constantly top up after correcting with a feeler gauge.

▪Interval replace the engine oil

For modern engines with a significant increase in quality of the produced oil is often recommended to replace produce 15-20 thousand kilometers. But it must be borne in mind that this value is determined by the manufacturer under normal operating conditions at the factory bench endurance tests. The operating conditions worse, the more you should consider earlier replacement of oil and, consequently, the oil filter.

What is considered severe conditions? This, above all, should include the climate: cold winters, frequent changes of temperature, very humid climate, dusty air. Frequent motor overload (for example, in mountainous terrain, or when transporting heavy loads) also does not contribute to the preservation of efficiency of oil. Usually, if the operating conditions defined by you as serious, it is recommended to run oil changes reduced by 25-30 percent.
Do I need to change the oil filter when changing the oil?

Yes, changing the oil in the engine it is necessary to even replace the oil filter. If you are replacing oil in auto-service, the service oil change includes also the replacement of the oil filter. So why change the oil filter?

Running the engine with a clogged oil filter is equivalent to the engine without a filter. Since oil is bypassed by the filter element. This is by design of the oil filter. Whenever changing the oil filter change necessary because in normal operation it has to be 8000 km scored, resulting in the opening of the bypass valve and the oil goes to the friction pairs of brown. Hence - the intensive wear of the engine. Although emergency pressure lamp will not light.

If you change the oil filter yourself, then at its replacement do not forget to pour motor oil in it to about half its volume (for the best first run after the oil change) and lubricate the rubber band on the filter housing.

▪Sovety to replace the engine oil

1. Change the oil more often! None of the air filter will not hold all the dust and dirt present in the air. And, accordingly, none of the fuel filter does not delay the impurities, which are sold at our filling stations with fuel in the form of a free bonus.

2. Do not overuse "express" oil change. Vacuum replacing bad oil that remains in the engine much more waste engine oil than with the traditional method of replacing the sink. Therefore, a way to replace the oil it is necessary to alternate with traditional sink, while reducing the service interval.

3. Carefully choose a motor oil. Buy only engine oils that meet approvals and approval by the vehicle manufacturer. Remember that the strength - not the most important parameter. In choosing your help article, "How to choose engine oil."

4. In no case do not use any additives and additives in engine oil! The additives in the oil can only hurt, the positive effect of such impurities can be very short ("what are additives for engine").

5. Do not buy motor oil from dubious merchants! Counterfeit motor oil 100% will not meet the requirements of the vehicle manufacturer, so the engine fast enough can fail. For example, I always buy the oil company Teboil.

6. Do not skimp on the filters! Remember that every speck of dust and particles missed one or another filter to the engine, it is an excellent abrasive, destroying the gaps and the inner surfaces of your engine.

7. Each time the check undercarriage! The car still rides on SRT, rises on a lift. For a modest surcharge you get confidence in your car. If an electrical, or even the power unit on the road over a tow truck, but the surprise suspension may lead to irreparable consequences.

8. Make sure the oil level on the dipstick on labels. Underfill oil to the bottom of the label can lead to oil starvation of rubbing surfaces of parts, which in turn, will lead to their rapid deterioration, and then costly repairs inevitable. Overflow oil causes it to foam rotating crankshaft and also a negative effect on the friction parts.

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