понедельник, 5 октября 2015 г.

Diagnostics of brake system on its own.

The brake system of the car - a key element of the driver, and its status should be paid full attention. Unless there was a breakdown, the driver is not necessary to resort to service, since there are standard procedures for diagnosing performance brakes, the driver can do that myself.

How to conduct an inspection of the braking system:

For a detailed examination of the brakes have to use an inspection pit or trestle, as many elements of the brake system is in place that do not allow visual inspection. Therefore, the procedure for inspection should be divided into stages and carried out in a garage equipped with pit.

▪ Diagnosis of salon

The first phase of the inspection is carried out without leaving the car. To do this, with the engine brake pedal. The pedal should stop almost immediately, and further attempts to put the squeeze not to move forward. At the same time should not create the impression of jamming.

If the pedal "raises stake" at the slightest pressed, it means that it is either too short stroke (ie, it does not have to return all the way back), offset by compensation or a hole in the brake master cylinder.

If the pedal has a great free course, you need some time to actively click on it, and if she stopped prozhimatsya and became elastic, then the system are air bubbles. In this case, you need to look for the leak, repair the system and pump the brakes.

To check the status of the vacuum brake booster is pressed several times on the brake pedal and left foot on the pedal, start the engine. If the amplifier is defective brakes, the brake pedal must "sink" for some distance. If it does not, but instead heard a hiss in the cabin, the booster must be replaced.

Next, check the operation of a manual brake, then lift it to lever up while counting the number of clicks. A correctly adjusted handbrake handle rises of 3-4 clicks. If the handle is raised too high, it is necessary to adjust the drive cable of a manual brake. Along the way, you should pay attention to the fire of a control lamp on the instrument panel when picked handbrake handle.

Then, leaving the brake handle in the up position, you need to put neutral, to get out of the car and try to move the car. If the vehicle remains stationary, and the cable is adjusted, it is necessary to change the pads handbrake.

In this test the braking system of the interior is finished and can open the lock of the bonnet, proceed to a visual inspection.

▪ Inspection elements in the engine compartment

Raising the hood, check the availability and the level of brake fluid in the reservoir tank of brake system. The fluid must be clean and filled up to the border of the upper level.

If the tank is separated from the main brake cylinder and connected to it a hose (hose or if the tank with two compartments), then you need to make sure that the hoses are not leaking and no signs of damage. If the brake fluid reservoir is located on the body of the brake master cylinder, rubber seals should be inspected at the point of attachment.

Before proceeding further inspection of the brake system, you need to unscrew the brake fluid reservoir and drop it located on the float that will simulate the fall of the liquid level. For further actions need an assistant - he will look at the instrument panel, which should turn signal lamp on the insufficient level of brake fluid. If the light does not respond to lowering of the float, it is possible to interconnect the wires connected to the connector on the cover of the tank - the lamp should light up.

If the lamp is not lit in this case should go to the service, experts have found a place to break in the wiring or replace the lamp.

If the lamp is activated, you can still diagnose and inspect the master cylinder to the point of attachment of brake tubes. Cylinder and pipes must be dry.

Next you need to examine the body of the vacuum brake booster, it must also be dry and free of rust. Along the way, check the vacuum hose and place of its accession to the union of the intake manifold.

▪ External inspection of wheels

Visual inspection of all-wheel drive vehicle must be completely dry on the outside and the inside. Particular attention should be paid to the inner side of the wheel, having examined them from the pit. Any traces of a transparent oily liquid may indicate a leak in the slave cylinder brake system.

▪ Inspection of hoses and working cylinders

Upon further inspection, visually assess the state of the brake hoses, brake cylinders and the visible part of the brake pipe. The surface of the hose should be dry and free of cracks. Cylinders should not be a trace of fog or leak. The tubes should not be rusty. On fittings for pumping the brakes must be put on protective caps. If there is a bracket to the suspension of a brake hose, the hose must be fixed in the bracket.

▪ Inspection of the state of the brake discs, drums and pads

Brake pad wear can be seen only after a gradual removal of the wheels, which is not the typical diagnostic procedure on their own. To make it more convenient just a moment of change wheels for tire or planned maintenance in service.

▪ Check the brakes on the move

After a visual inspection, a reference check to verify the effectiveness of the brakes. When braking cylinders of both circuits must operate at the same time the car should not sidetrack.

On many machines, revealed problems with the brakes on the rear axle, but before changing the working cylinders, check operation control braking force on the rear axle.

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