четверг, 1 октября 2015 г.

How to recognize low-quality fuel?

1. The easiest way that does not require improvised. It should drop a little gasoline on the skin and rub with your finger. If the area of ​​skin where you dripped gasoline remains dry, this gasoline can trust. If the skin greasy traces remain, you can not doubt the presence of impurities.

2. For the next experiment will need a blank sheet of paper. Lightly moisten it with gasoline. Wait for the complete evaporation of the liquid from the surface of the sheet. If you again before the clean sheet, you can safely use such fuel. If a piece of paper left grease stains - petrol is impure, and it is not worth buying.

3. Now check the availability of fuel at the pitches. To do this, gasoline drip onto the glass, and then drop to burn. Appearing on the glass white spot indicates that the resin in the fuel completely absent. And if present, in extremely small quantities. When a yellow or brown spots can be sure that the tar exceeds the allowable concentration. This method can identify and other impurities. For example, if the glass is a few drops, it may indicate the presence of diesel fuel oils.

4. It is necessary to take a clear container, fill with gasoline and look through it to light. In the fluid must be yellow. Then to add to the capacity of a little potassium permanganate. Next, check the color. If he became pink gasoline contains water. It is advisable not to use the capacity in which you conduct experiments for the storage of food.

5. For people with a sensitive sense of smell, you can try to determine the presence of impurities by smell. In the presence of the odor of sulfur can assume the presence of hydrogen sulfide in gasoline. Perhaps there is naphthalene. In any case, there just contaminants contained and buy such petrol is not necessary.

Remember, all these methods, or save it on the wall to have certainly never forget! Have fun checking fuel!

P.S. Be careful when experimenting with gasoline. He did not have to get on your shoes or clothes!

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