четверг, 8 октября 2015 г.

Catch phrase "Russian do not surrender!" Spread around the world in the years of the First World War - in 1915, during the defense of the small fortress of Osowiec located in what is now Belarus. Little Russian garrison was required to hold only 48 hours. It protects more than half a year - 190 days!

The Germans used against defenders all the latest achievements of weapons, including aircraft. For every defender had several thousand bombs and shells. Dropped from airplanes and issued dozens of guns 17 batteries, includes two of the famous "Big Bertha" (Russian who managed to knock out at the same time).

The Germans bombed the castle night and day. Month after month. Russian defended among hurricane of fire and iron to the last. There were very few, but the proposals of surrender has always followed the same answer. Then the Germans launched against the fortress of 30 gas batteries. On the position of the thousands of Russian tanks struck 12-meter wave chemical attack. Gas masks were not.

All live in the fortress was poisoned. Blackened and withered even grass. A thick layer of green poisonous chlorine oxide coated metal parts of guns and shells. At the same time the Germans launched a massive artillery bombardment. Following him to storm the Russian positions have moved over 7,000 Marines.

It seemed doomed fortress already taken. Thick, numerous German circuit was like getting closer and closer ... And at this moment of poisonous chlorine green mist descended on them ... counterattack! Russian was a little over sixty. The remains of the 13th Company 226 Regiment Zemlyansky. On each counterattacking had more than a hundred enemies!

Russian were in full growth. The bayonet. Shaken by coughing, spitting, winding through the cloth face, pieces of light on the bloody shirt ...

These warriors plunged the enemy in such horror that the Germans were not taking the fight, rushed back. In a panic, trampling each other, confused and hung on their own barbed wire. And then for him from clubs poisoned fog struck, seemingly already dead Russian artillery.

This battle will go down in history as "Attack of the Dead." During her several dozen half-dead Russian soldiers routed the 14 battalions of the enemy!

Russian defenders Osovets never surrendered the fortress. It was later abandoned. And by order of command. When the defense has lost all meaning. The enemy left no patron, no nail. All survived the fire of the fortress from the German and Russian bombing were blown up by sappers. The Germans decided to take the ruins just a few days.

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